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Focus Groups

 WLN currently has five established Focus Groups each with a chair from one of our member firms. Details of our current Focus Groups can be seen below:


Corporate M&A - Sjef Bartels (Labré lawyers, Amsterdam)

Employment LawAmie Carmack (Morningstar Law Group, North Carolina)

LitigationGlòria Vinyals (Bufete Maña-Krier-Elvira, Barcelona)

Technology LawDiane Frank (SCHMID FRANK, Augsburg)

Tax LawMarcin Gorazda (Gorazda, Świstuń, Wątroba i Partnerzy adwokaci i radcowie prawni, Kraków)


The aim of these groups is to foster strong cooperation between lawyers and member firms through their regular virtual meetings and collaborative projects; including legal articles and engaging events.

The next meetings will take place on:

Corporate M&A: TBC

Employment Law: Tuesday 18th September 2024 at 15:00 CET

Litigation: Tuesday 10th September 2024 at 14:00 CET

Tax Law: Friday 13th September 2024 at 14:00 CET

Technology LawTBC


Learn more about each Focus Group's projects, members, and published publications on their individual pages (under the Focus Group banner).

To be added to a group's mailing list, please email the WLN Manager at