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The Impact of the new ESPD Regulation

25 July 2016

The Impact of the new ESPD Regulation

On 5 January 2016, the European Commission implemented the Regulation (EU) 2016/7 with regard to the Standard Form of the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD).
In a world that tries to move towards globalization, joint consortiums participating in public procurement procedures across Europe are a common sight, as are the difficulties encountered in accommodating the tender requirements with the participants own national regulations. As a side note, platforms like TED (Tenders Electronic Daily) have been active for the last few years, but there was no common ground when it came to the documentation to be submitted, which increased the burden of preparing the offer and led it to being excluded for not meeting the criteria set out by the contracting authorities.

The ESPD works as a self-declaration document intended for preliminary evidence, facilitating cross-border participation of potential bidders in public procurement procedures.
How does this help bidders? The Regulation brings into force an obligation for contracting authorities to accept the ESPD from bidders, without the need to obtain additional documents from third parties, especially public authorities.

Currently, ESPD does not have an online platform. However, this is expected to be in place, possibly by April 2017. However, until then, drafted word documents can be used instead provided the countries where the tender is organized have adapted their regulations.

Recent, Comisia Europeana a adoptat la data de 5 Ianuarie 2016 Regulamentul (EU) 2016/7 referitor la Formularul Standard al Documentului Unic de Achizitii Europene (ESPD).

Intr-o lume care tinde spre globalizare, asocieri pentru participarea la licitatii sunt des intalnite, la fel si dificultatile intampinate atunci cand vine vorba de acomodarea cerintelor licitatiei cu regulamentele nationale de care ofertantii se folosesc atunci cand obtin documente. Ca o paranteza, platforme online precum TED (Tenders Electronic Daily) sunt active de cativa ani, dar pana acum nu am avut de-a face cu un numitor comun atunci cand a venit vorba de documentatia ce este depusa odata cu oferta, ceea ce mareste gradul de dificultate in pregatirea ofertei si duce la excluderea acesteia pentru lipsa unui document minor.

ESPD functioneaza ca o declaratie de eligibilitate pentru complinirea cerintelor preliminare, facilitand o participare trans-nationala a ofertantilor in proceduri de achizitii publice.
Cum este de ajutor ofertantilor? Regulamentul instituie o obligatie pentru autoritatile contractante de a accepta ESPD de la ofertanti, fara sa mai fie necesara obtinerea de documente suplimentare de la terti, mai ales de la autoritati publice.

Deocamdata, ESPD nu are si o platforma online, aceasta fiind asteptata probabil pana in luna Aprilie 2017. Cu toate acestea, pana atunci, documente redactate in format Word pot fi folosite, atata vreme cat tarile unde se organizeaza licitatia si-au adaptat propriile reglementari.

For further details contact:

Dragos Ramniceanu 

Tel + 40-21-201 66 85


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