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11 Nov
On October 6, 2015 the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) declared the Commission’s US Safe Harbour decision (“the Safe Harbour Decision”) invalid.
15 Oct
During my placement I had an opportunity to examine some legal issues which can arise within the jurisdiction and to learn about the approach local lawyers have to handle them.

28 Sep
With respect to Hungarian legislation, probably the word “salad act” (meaning the case when an act governing and amending a specific territory with a specific purpose also contains such provisions that modify a quite different territory a…
07 Sep
Alternative dispute resolution by the Consumer Ombudsman.

03 Sep
La loi Macron est entrée en vigueur le 8 août 2015. Elle assouplit le régime d’attribution des bons de souscription de parts de créateur d’entreprise afin de favoriser les jeunes entreprises dans leur dév…